It Happens

It Happens

I had a lot of fun with this strip. It started as the usual 6-panel grid in my sketchbook; then I remembered that an online comic isn’t limited by paper size. On a separate page, I drew the kitchen timers and ticking sound effects. I also redrew one panel, which I almost never do, to make it more readable. (Stupid crowd scenes with music stands!) I had to touch up a lot of messy drawing, too. Then I put everything together in Photoshop. It involved way more computer-time than usual, but it was worth it.

October 7th, 2010

1 Comment

  1. Posted October 12, 2010 at 9:00 am | Permalink

    Having seen the comic in drawing form without the timer running along side the panels, it definitely makes more sense in it’s final form. I think it was worth the extra computer-time.

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