I’m Ba-a-ack!

I’m Ba-a-ack!

I’m back in New York, after signing off the ship on Friday in Vancouver, meeting up with ship-friends for some mid-morning sketchy bowling and lunch, hauling ass to the airport for 10 hours of travel, getting picked up Saturday morning to travel to central PA with my aunt and uncle, visiting with my parents and baby sister, spending Saturday night in a bed and breakfast, driving back to New York City (did I mention my uncle’s car has no A/C?), and getting dropped off at Pride right at the point when everyone’s wilting and tired of rainbows, crowds and roadblocks. However, I got to see my friends Jess and Santos, and take advantage of Jess’s encyclopedic knowledge of New York snacking!

Today, Monday, was devoted to things like grocery shopping and trying to finish the frikkin New Orleans comic. It’s hard to work on a project on and off for so long (I started this story last September). I’m worried that the style will be inconsistent, plus I’m already in the habit of staring at certain pages for long periods of time without deciding how to go about them. (I know it’s not unusual to spend years on one work, but this is no coming-of-age epic; it’s a 16ish page travel anecdote.) This is why I decided on a self-imposed end-of-June deadline. I’ve had a lot of fun with the comic, but it’s time to finish.

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June 29th, 2010

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