Alaskan buildings

Alaskan buildings

The top one is the back of a shop in the verrry gold rush-style Skagway, Alaska, and the bottom ones are houses in Juneau. It was so refreshing to draw these after spending days on the New Orleans comic, where I’m drawing everything from digital photos and a year-old script. Drawing buildings on-site was one of my projects for last summer. Now they’re one of my favorite things to draw (besides girls, of course). Hey, if Craig Thompson, one of my drawing heroes, admits to sketching mostly pretty girls and trees, I feel no shame in doing so. I’m not so good with trees, though. I guess my project for this summer will have to be trees…and cars. Yikes.

Off the subject, is anyone in Brooklyn right now? There’s a Book Release Party at Bergen Street Comics tomorrow (which I can’t make, cause I’ll be floating from Vancouver to Ketchikan). Check it out–It should be fuuuuun!

June 11th, 2010

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