Moment with Liz

Moment with Liz

I never figured out how to caption this one succinctly. I don’t even know if it’s funny in context; I just wanted to draw Liz’s cute moment of panic when I called her “babe” in a guest area. I work in the theater, so I‘m not used to self-censoring. Liz is used to monitoring her language for kids, teens, and crazy parents. (She’s also had more problems being “out” around ship-people, although this contract has been fine.)
Anyway, this entry is mostly about Liz, so it seemed like an appropriate cartoon.

Liz started packing last night. She leaves Friday, in San Juan. It was such a shock to get home from work and see an open suitcase sitting in the middle of the cabin. It’s been our space for a month. Liz kept bringing home colorful cute things to put on the walls. There were clothes, notebooks and leftover Easter candy crammed onto every available surface. Then last night everything was in neat little piles (a key difference between Liz and me), exposing the fact that the cabin really is just four walls, two bunks, a desk, a shelf, and a closet. We were talking about it last night; this is the part of the job that never gets any easier. It seems like she just got here.

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April 13th, 2010

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