On land, I’m always confused when people hesitate to crowd into an elevator. I guess it comes of regularly sharing a work elevator with a dozen people, towel racks, dessert carts and carved fruit.
This ship seemed fairly chill for the first week, but an all-crew meeting yesterday reminded me that we are working for a corporation. The meeting included such managerial gems as, “Some positions will be eliminated. This is not necessarily bad,” which was followed up with, “on the bright side, our jobs will continue to be secure.” (This took an hour to say, mind you.) My friend Laura came to my rescue with a notepad and pen. What’s a meeting without angry doodles to remember it by?
The ship is really rocking tonight. I can hear the waves from my new cabin on deck 1. Just occasional sounds of water rushing, and sometimes a big clang that prompts a joke about having hit a whale. It’s hard to believe there are still several decks between me and the bottom of the ship. Right now I’m in the staff bar, where the internet is, and there are massive crashing sounds coming from the crew mess. I wonder what’s falling over. Hope the dancers are all right tonight.