Outside the CLBDF Party

Outside the CLBDF Party

My kick-off to the New York Comic Con was the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund party, which I heard about on Facebook. I guess they weren’t expecting as many people as they got, cause the bar was just wall-to-wall people (which, if you’re short and don’t know anyone, looks like wall-to-wall shoulders, all of which are mad at  you for being in their way). Not so fun, but I met some really nice guys standing outside. Egypt, the US and Ireland were represented on one square of sidewalk!

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October 15th, 2010

1 Comment

  1. Posted October 16, 2010 at 9:26 am | Permalink

    Hey there we are! I was writing up some of my final NYCC thoughts and needed your site again and always find it’s easier to cut & paste then type into a program. Then I see you just posted what I’m talking about. Awesome!

    Hope you had a good convention and I’ll be keeping abreast of ya… like your work. (and you, the little I got to know)

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