Tag Archive for crew bar
Crew Bar Confusion, p. 4/4
This was by far the hardest page to write. Most of the comic wrote itself back in February, but how to wrap up the story, sum up the complicated feelings surrounding this experience, and pack it all into limited space? By the time I was satisfied with the text, the artwork was 7 months old, […]
Crew Bar Confusion, p 2/4
I started this comic several months ago. I was looking through old journal comics, and noticed how many of them only make sense if you were there, or at least have worked on ships. So this is me turning over a new leaf, in that department. (Those are all actual quotes in the comic, by […]
Crew Bar Sketches
There are two bars for crew on the ship; the staff bar is quieter and nonsmoking, the crew bar smoky and too loud to talk. Both bars have their moments. Since anyone can DJ in the crew bar, you get Latin Night, Macedonian Rock Night, Bollywood Night… The cartoon on the bottom is from a […]
So, it’s been awhile
Ouch. It seems I’ve been MIA for a week and a half! My parents just got on the ship for a two-week Alaskan cruise, so my usual late-night internet time has been overtaken by sleep, and comic drawing has been partially replaced by Scrabble. Liz has been off the ship for almost three weeks, which is […]
Bonding in the Crew Bar
Here’s a cartoon from Latin Night, drawn in ballpoint pen on the back of a bar bill. (I don’t know why I go anywhere without a notebook, seriously.) I’m not a fan of cigarette smoke or ear-splitting music, but I had a great time that night with Liz and the rest of her team. She’s […]