Jazz Night in the Piano Bar

Jazz Night in the Piano Bar

This is the current horn section on my ship: collectively the best I’ve worked with, I think. One of the perks, I guess, of a crappy economy is that better and better musicians are taking ship jobs.

Once a week we have a jazz jam in the piano bar. I guess it’s a compliment to my cartooning that Ekim, the trombonist, sent this picture to his girlfriend, and she later called, demanding to know why he was “flirting with a white lady” in this picture. Oops! So at some point, I have to get on the phone with the two of them and defend his honor. There’s always one music-loving guest who sits directly in front of the horn section and looks blissed-out for a couple of hours.

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January 26th, 2011


  1. Posted March 29, 2011 at 8:36 pm | Permalink

    thanks for the memories & the compliments-it was a pleasure working with you, hopefully it will happen again. i’m on the Celebrity Solstice Jun-Dec 2011 & Celebrity Mellinium May-Nov 2012.keep up the great work!

  2. admin
    Posted March 30, 2011 at 6:27 pm | Permalink

    Thanks too–I’m on the Constellation now, and unsure of what’s next, but I agree about working together again!

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