Grenada, West Indies – p. 4/4

Grenada, West Indies – p. 4/4

So, I’m still working through my box of goodies from SPX.  Some highlights so far are Release the Bats, a collection of Liz Baillie‘s short comics, Volume I of Dylan Meconis’ Family Man, which I highly recommend, and Julia Wertz‘s Drinking at the Movies, which is awkward to read on a long-distance bus when you’re prone to laughing REALLY loud.

Oh! Also, Ken Dahl’s Monsters. Just pick it up. It’s an engrossing read, and his artwork combines the ordinary, medical, beautiful and grotesque to great effect.

But these are cartoonists I already like.

My favorite FIND at SPX was Set to Sea, by Drew Weing. It caught my eye as I was walking past his table, and I couldn’t leave without picking up a copy.

The story has a sweet, simple and satisfying arc, but I definitely bought this one for the artwork. What can I say, I love old buildings and elaborate cross-hatching and characters who, however cartoony they’re drawn, seem three-dimensional and solid.

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September 25th, 2010

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