Good Life Choice

Good Life Choice

Yeah, when I’m mesmerized by scenery, I forget that there are consequences to walking uphill as fast as possible for an hour and change.

The chili’n beer in question was from the Skagway Brewing Company, which I try to hit every time I’m in that port. It seems that just as I’m becoming a regular in these places (“You get the chili bowl, right?”) it’s time to start saying goodbye.

Incidentally, today is my last time in Seward, Alaska, which means I’m at the Sea Bean enjoying a squishy couch and a huge cup of coffee. It’s the perfect day to stay indoors: it’s precipitating steadily (rain? snow? fog?), and low clouds obscure everything except the few blocks of Seward, bordered by pine trees. Last week I was wearing a t-shirt; today, people shiver in their coats.

Seward, last week:

and this week:

However, the Sea Bean is warm, with light pouring through the front windows and music lapping at my head. To my left, a guy from Portland is studying for his summer job as a glacier guide. Across from him, one of my ship-friends sketches. All around me, ship people Skype home and do their downloading. Annnd, my panini is here. Turkey, bacon, and provolone with crisp red onions and pesto sauce, pressed between tasty thick slices of bread. I’m officially never moving from this spot.

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June 18th, 2010

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